My brother had once sent me a video based on life lessons. Would love to share with all of you..!
- Well first things first. Life isn't fair. Get used to it.
- If it doesn't take to kill you. Then it really does make you stronger.
- Miracles usually happens when you ain't looking.
- When in doubt, just take the first step.
- Over prepare then go with the flow.
- Everything ever created, started with a dream. So dream big.
- When faced with a problem, ask yourself. "Will this really matter five years from now?"
- However good or bad a situation is. IT.WILL.CHANGE.
- Take a deep breath, it really does calm the mind.
- Frankly speaking, if ever we threw all our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's we would definitely take back ours immediately.
- Make peace with your past. It shouldn't ruin your present.
- Its never late to have a happy childhood. Start NOW!
- Say these words frequently to people whom you love, " I'm sorry. I was wrong. Please forgive me."
- You job or work would never look after you when you are ill. So stay in touch with people whom you love and who love you too.
- Never ever compare yourself with others. You have no idea absolutely what their journey is all about.
- Envy is a waste of time. You already have what you need.
- People who talk shit behind your back actually envy what you have. Don't give them a damn.
- What others think of you is none of your business.
- Life is too short spending it hating someone.
- Don't take yourself so seriously. No one does.
- You really don't need to win every argument. Sometimes its just better to agree to disagree.
- Time really does heal everything. So give time time.
- Growing old definitely does beat the alternative of dying young.
- All that really matters is that you loved and were loved in return.
And finally yeah,